Three trees

Charcoal and coloured pencil on paper

I made this from a photo I took through the shade in front of one of our ranchsliders. I liked the effect of how the shade flattened, softened, and greyed things down.

In the photo, the tree on the left was closer to the two on the right, which I think would have made a tighter/more balanced composition. I didn’t quite judge that right with the drawing.

Three contemporary landscape painters I love

Richard K Blades, who I mentioned in my last post, I discovered fairly recently, but I’ve been following these three painters for a few years now.

  • Brian Rutenberg – For a man who hasn’t studied colour theory, he sure has a way with colour! He also has one of the most unique and interesting YouTube channels I’ve come across.
  • William Kocher – Small, dreamlike paintings that seem much bigger than they are. He also makes quite different, much more abstracted work.
  • Robert Newton – Amazing how much he captures with so few brush strokes! And the light!

In case you can’t tell, I love painterliness and atmosphere.